The Tumps Hall of Fame 2020

The Tumps are British Hills with more than 30 metres of prominence.

The Tump Hall of Fame (HoF) lists the number of Tumps climbed by hill baggers who have submitted the number of hills they have climbed to us.  The qualifying total for entry into the HoF is 2000 hills with further levels at 3000, 5000, 8000 and 13000 - quirkily based on the Fibonacci Series.

If you want to be included or spot errors, email Adrian Rayner at

Asterisks denote new entries into the relevant part of the HoF.

Totals climbed during the year are not shown for 2020 due to the pandemic.

See the Tumps 2019 Hall of Fame.

1Rob Woodall A12552
2Colin Crawford A7679
3Andy HyamsA7165
4Michael EarnshawA6306
5Martin RichardsonA5633
6Adrian RaynerA5522
7Jim BloomerA5467
8Carole EngelA5288
9Rick Salter *A5048
10Richard McLellanA4760
11Campbell SingerA4567
12Gordon AdsheadA4464
13Robert PhillipsA4395
14Andrew BrownA4152
15Ann BowkerR4150
16Rowland BowkerD4149
17Gary JonesA3895
18Peter Collins R3892
19Andy SuttonA3880
20Graham IllingA3814
21Charles EverettA3678
22Richard SpeirsA3674
23Lindsay MunroA3639
24Mark SmithA3555
25Jenny HatfieldA3541
26Chris BienkowskiA3532
27Pete Ellis *A3474
28Nigel ThackrahD3449
29Denise McLellan A3428
30Chris OttleyA3341
31Stewart LoganA3217
32Robert PooleA3126
33Eddie DealtryA3080
34Norman Wares *A3053
35Charlie ScottA3048
36Tony Smith * A3046
37Lindsay BoydA2984
38Neil SandilandsA2930
39John WardA2928
40Chris Peart A2910
41Alex CameronA2745
42Bert BarnettA2731
43Dave McGimpsey A2703
44Jim FothergillA2680
45Jez Turner A2590
46Tom MundellA2564
47Jonathan WoodsA2625
48David Purchase A2534
49Trevor LittlewoodA2515
49Sue Littlewood A2494
51Adrienne Coventry A2394
52Gordon Coventry A2394
53Phil CooperA2383
54Peter Hastie A2377
55Liz Hastie A2373
56Paul Wheeler A2359
57Gerry Bowes A2316
58John Steel *A2263
59John Barnard A2260
60Phillip Massey A2254
61Iain Walton A2250
62John Starbuck A2246
63Jeff ParrA2228
64Gill Stephens A2190
65Chris WatsonA2189
66Peter Wheeler A2140
67Jonathan de Ferranti A2137
68Mark Trengove A2130
69Nicola Howarth A2104
70Ken StewartD2081
71Ian Galbraith *A2026
72Alan Duval *A2012