SIB Bagging Trip – Shetland East SIBs Trip (SEST) Sunday 20 July


Shetland boat trips. Photo credit: Seabirds and Seals

Trip summary

To visit the 8 SIBs which cannot be accessed by commercial scheduled ferry services lying to the North of Lerwick in 1 day on Sunday 20 th .


Sunday 20th July 2025.


David Gilchrist

Trip itinerary

The 8 SIBS to be visited are North and South Isle of Gletness, Hoo Stack, Bruse Holm, West Linga, Filla, Ward of Mioness and Out Skerries East. With good opportunities to see superb seascapes, lighthouses and wildlife.

Places available

A total of 12 places are available

Departure or meeting place

Departure point to be confirmed, currently believed to be Lerwick, Shetland.


Make own arrangements, but members are advised the Voxter field centre is booked around this period which would form a useful base.
SEE: Shetland: 21st -28th July 2025 – Relative Hills Society –

Challenges and competences needed

To land on the island you will need to be able to exit from and return to a boat onto a rocky coastline or stoney beach.

Businesses arranged through



The trip is estimated to cost £250 based on a full day, although rebated if the full 10hours not required.

Reserve or enquire about trip

1) Email: David to check on availability – davidagilchrist”AT”
2) send £125 deposit to RHSOC treasurer.
(20-49-17 A/c 50603562 quoting (SEST AND YOUR NAME))
barry.k.smith “AT”
3) Email David and Barry to let them know you have paid the deposit.

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The Relative Hills Society is a friendly, informal group, aimed at helping folk meet their climbing and walking ambitions, and have fun in the hills.
We aim to promote an interest in climbing the British hills that are prominent relative to their surroundings.
We welcome new members. Members join us to read our Annual Journal, check out our Halls of Fame and join us on Members' Events and Trips including an annual trip to St.Kilda.
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