Trip summary
To visit 5 SIBs off west coast of South Mainland, with as time permits interesting variants on return leg.
21th -28 th July to be determined closer to the time, and will be weather dependent.
Start 0800, a full day trip completing as much as time and conditions permit.
Jon Glew
Trip itinerary
Main target islandsĀ ā probably on the outward leg of the trip:
Fugla stack (SIB)
South Havra (SIB)
Little Havra (SIB)
Hich Holm (SIB)
Horse Island (SIB)
Secondary TargetsĀ ā probably on the return leg of the trip and time dependent:
Sweyn Holm (A-SQUIB ā 26m)
Stack oā da Noup (Tump, 80.1m attached stack)
Ladyās Holm (A-SQUIB ā 21m)
With good opportunities to see superb seacapes, lighthouses and wildlife.
Places available
A total of 12 places are available
Departure or meeting place
Hamnavoe (HU 3693 3582)
Make own arrangements, but members are advised the Voxter field centre is booked
around this period which would form a useful base.
Shetland: 21st -28th July 2025 – Relative Hills Society
Challenges and competences needed
To land on the island you will need to be able to exit from and return to a boat/tender
onto a rocky coastline or stony beach. Expect some scrambly landings onto rock with the
potential for some swell.
Businesses arranged through
Shetland Sea Adventures, Alistair Inkster
The trip is estimated to cost Ā£125 based on 12 participants.
Reserve or enquire about trip
1) Email: Jon to check on availability
2) send Ā£60 deposit to RHSOC treasurer.
(20-49-17 A/c 50603562 quoting (WSHET AND YOUR NAME)
barry.k.smith AT
3) Email Jon and Barry to let them know you have paid the deposit.